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Fastest Way To Tie Shoelaces

Tying shoelaces is a daily ritual for many, yet few consider the efficiency of this mundane task. In a world where every second counts, mastering the fastest way to tie shoelaces can save precious moments, enhancing convenience and efficiency.


The Ian Knot: A Swift Alternative

Enter the Ian Knot, dubbed the world’s fastest shoelace knot. created by Ian Fieggen (aka. “Professor Shoelace”)

Step 1:

Begin with regular “Starting Knot”

Begin with a regular Left-over-Right Starting Knot.

Step 2:

Fold both lace ends into “loops”

Make both ends into “loops” by simply doubling them back onto themselves.

Step 3:

Twist both loops anti-clockwise

Twist both loops anti-clockwise so that the left (yellow) loose end is at the front and the right (blue) loose end is at the back.

Step 4:

Cross loops, left (yellow) in front

Cross the loops with the left (yellow) loose end in front.

NOTE: The loops are really more “alongside” each other, which is difficult to illustrate.

Step 5:

Feed loops through each other

Each hand uses the two fingers inside its own loop to grab the loose end of the other hand’s loop.

Step 6:

Loops emerge from both sides

Each hand releases its own loop and pulls the loose end of the opposite loop through its own.

Step 7:

Pull tight to complete the knot

Pull both loops tight to complete the knot.


Why Ian’s Knot is Better

Balanced Wear: The symmetrical design of the Ian Knot evenly distributes tension, reducing lace wear and tear

Secure and Durable: It stays tightly tied, ideal for active lifestyles, ensuring reliability during movement and sports.

Simple to Learn: Despite its efficiency, the Ian Knot is easy to master and teach, making it accessible for all ages.

Neat Appearance: Offers a tidy and symmetrical look, enhancing the overall style of your footwear and reducing the likelihood of snagging.


Tips to Improve Shoelace Tying Speed

Practice is key to enhancing your shoelace-tying speed. Focus on smooth movements and minimize the motion of your hands. Use laces that are neither slippery nor stiff, as they can impede speed. Regular practice and the right technique can significantly quicken your shoelace tying routine.

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